Avalon Mall’s latest Back to School campaign was geared towards our newest community members! Stationed in centre court, a “colourful” donation bin collected school supplies in support of the Association of New Canadians (ANC).
The ANC is a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to the provision of settlement and integration services for immigrants and refugees throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. For over 35 years, the Association has provided settlement assistance to support all aspects of newcomer integration, including, but not limited to, settlement information and orientation, language learning, skills development, and employment.
Each year, the ANC has an overwhelming demand for school supplies for new Canadians in Newfoundland and Labrador. Thanks to the support and help of tenants, staff, and customers at Avalon Mall, new students are fully equipped for the school year ahead!
Pictured below: Justin Pearce, Transportation Coordinator at ANC, and Stephanie Regular, Marketing Coordinator at Avalon Mall.